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August 20, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Town of East Windsor Board of Finance

Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 20, 2008

Chairman DeSousa called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room.

Present:  Chairman DeSousa and Finance Board Members Bowsza, Floyd, Little, Mannette, Alternate Pippin, and First Selectman Menard.  Absent:  Kubick


        Upon motion by Mr. Bowsza, seconded by Mr. Mannette, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To appoint Ms. Pippin to a full voting member for the night's meeting.


        Town residents John Matthews, Melrose Road; Tom Muska, Broad Brook section of East Windsor; Bob Lyke, Rye Street; Bonnie Muska, East Road; Bill Dove, Melrose Road; Steve Knibloe, Broad Brook; and Bonnie Yosky, Yosky         Road expressed their disapproval of the action taken by the Boards of Finance and Selectmen in passing a budget without voters' input after the second referendum took place.  They all disagreed with the attorney's opinion.  They also expressed that they were dismayed by the whole process, and that the voters should have been given the chance to vote in as many referendums as it would
take to pass a budget.


Regular  Meeting – July 16, 2008

              Mr. Bowsza moved, and Ms. Pippin seconded,

              MOTION:  To approve the minutes of July 16, 2008, as presented.

              Voting for the motion:  Bowsza, Little, Mannette, Alternate Pippin
              Abstaining:  Floyd

              The motion passed.


Legal Bills


Memo – 7/31/08 Deputy Treasurer  

                  The memo from former Town Treasurer Mary Szabo appointed Kimberly  Prostka-Scavotto as the Deputy Treasurer for the Town of East Windsor until  a permanent Treasurer is appointed.  There was discussion regarding  whether Ms. Scavotto could be appointed to deputy treasurer.  

403 (B) Perspectives – Summer 2008


July 28, 2008  -  Superior Court Complaint

                  Complaint by individual who injured himself walking on his street in town.




              Jack Mannette's documents regarding the Pension Plan were distributed.


Broad Brook Fire Department Audit Questions

              The audit was given to the Board of Finance in June.

              Upon motion by Mr. Bowsza, seconded by Mr. Mannette, it was unanimously

              VOTED:  To remove the item from the agenda.

To Appoint A Member/Member Rotation To The Charter Revision Committee

     JoAnn Kubick had volunteered to attend the Charter Revision meetings
      during October, November and December.  Ms. Pippin and Ms. DeSousa
     will observe meetings from now until October.  Mr. Floyd offered to
     observe meetings during January.

Warehouse Point Fire District – Replacement Of Engine 238

Jim Barton, Victor DeCapua, Mike Balf and Dean Saucier approached the table.  They presented a PowerPoint presentation on the need to replace the 26 year old Engine #238.  Mr. Saucier explained that replacing the engine would be safer for the citizens of East Windsor, the fire department, and save money.  He explained that the truck does not comply with NFPA guidelines.  It has rust and holes and burned wires.  No one is allowed to ride in the back of the truck.  Recommendation to replace the truck is to continue to provide adequate fire service in a cost effective manner.   Discussion followed concerning whether or not the town needs a new truck and if so how it would be paid for.  The Board was invited to visit the station to see the equipment for themselves.

Upon motion by Mr. Floyd, seconded by Mr. Bowsza, it was unanimously

VOTED:  To get bond information from the town's finance adviser and table this item to the next meeting

State Board Of Education – Sheff V. O'Neill Stipulation Funding


E.    List of Suggestions for Improvement That Arose From the Budget     

      Contracts, personnel policies that are not in place, paying mileage, stagger  
       public hearings, more public discussion re budget, making the first draft of
      the budget available to public.  A new Treasurer might have  recommendations, too.
F.    Assignment of The Annual Report for Information Gathering,
Formatting and Printing Purposes

Ms. Menard offered assistance through her office.  Mr. Mannette commented that Judi Rajala was a huge help and that he would not have been able to complete the job without her.  

Mr. Floyd volunteered to work with Ms. Menard's office staff, and someone will contact Judi Rajala for her assistance.

 G.    Pension Funds

        It was stated by the chairman that the Board had been made aware of the under-funded Pension Liability by Mary Szabo and the audit report. The   pension fund needs to be reviewed.  


Property Revaluation Appeals – Superior Court
Sofia’s Plazas, Llc
Craftsman Realty, Llc
Baran Institute Of Technology, Inc
Dharamshi, Llc
Alamo East Enterprises, Llc
C&M Warehouse, Inc And Car-Mil Realty, Llc
Monaco Broad Brook Properties, Llc
Jonathan Pasco’s
Kettle Brook Realty, Llc
Chestnut Point Reality, Llc

                The Board was informed of the above revaluation appeals.


1.  To Consider and Act upon any Requests from the August 19, 2008
            BOS Meeting – Possibility Salary Increase for Deputy Treasurer

        Upon motion by Mr. Mannette, seconded by Mr. Little, it was unanimously

        VOTED:  To go into executive session at 9:30 p.m. and invite Ms. Menard to stay.


        The Board, by consensus, went into executive session at 9:33 p.m.

        The Board came out of executive session at 11:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Nolan
Recording Secretary